The content of total polyphenols in different varieties of Solanum tuberosum grow in Spiš area


  • Beáta Volnová Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Tr. A. Hlinku 2, 949 76 Nitra
  • Janette Musilová Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Tr. A. Hlinku 2, 949 76 Nitra
  • Miriama Kopernická Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Tr. A. Hlinku 2, 949 76 Nitra
  • Petra Kavalcová Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Tr. A. Hlinku 2, 949 76 Nitra
  • Ľuboš Harangozo Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Tr. A. Hlinku 2, 949 76 Nitra
  • Michal Medvecký Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Tr. A. Hlinku 2, 949 76 Nitra



potato, variety, total polyphenol, compound, Spiš area


Phenolic compounds are the predominant antioxidants in nutrition and their study is currently being paid much attention. These antioxidants act synergistically; polyphenol compounds protect vitamin C and β-carotene, which in turn helps to increase the effect of vitamin E. Potatoes are very popular vegetables in Slovakia, not only in terms that they are easy to prepare, but also by the fact that they combine the wholesomeness of cereals and delicacy and characteristic chemical composition of vegetables. It is important that they find their place in our diet. Nutritional value of potatoes is determined by the content of nutrients such as protein, starch, fat, minerals, and absence of toxins, as well as by a significant content of bioactive components from the group of polyphenols. The study was performed in order to analyse 7 Slovak potato varieties from Spiš area, according to biologically active compounds: such as polyphenols. The content of total polyphenols was determined by the method of Lachman et al., (2003). The lowest determined content of total polyphenol ( dry matter) in locality Spišský Štvrtok was measured in a variety Victoria (795.05 dry matter) and the highest content of total polyphenols in locality Spišský Štvrtok was measured in variety Laura (1238.42 dry matter). In the locality Odorín was determine the lowest content of total polyphenols in variety Red Anna (974.09 dry matter) and the highest content of total polyphenols was determined in variety Laura (978.95 dry matter). Between all varieties in locality Spišský Štvrtok was confirmed the statistically significant difference in the influence of the variety in the contents of total polyphenols ( DM). This varietal dependence was not appear in samples taken in the locality Odorín. The total polyphenols content of the potatoes can be influenced by other factors, for example locality. In this case, there were statistically significant differences in the content of total polyphenols in variety Laura obtained from two different localities.


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How to Cite

Volnová, B. ., Musilová, J. ., Kopernická, M. ., Kavalcová, P. ., Harangozo, Ľuboš ., & Medvecký, M. . (2016). The content of total polyphenols in different varieties of Solanum tuberosum grow in Spiš area. Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, 10(1), 72–77.

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