Crosslinking methods for improving the properties of soy-protein based films for meat packaging: a review
Soy protein-based films, meat packaging, crosslinking, meatAbstract
Crosslinking methods have been used to improve the properties of soy protein-based films for various applications, such as meat packaging. Some of the crosslinking methods that have been reported in the literature include boiling soy milk, baking soy protein isolates, adding canola and sorghum proteins, incorporating Plantago major seed mucilage and Anethum graveolens essential oil, adding pine needle extract (PNE), incorporating montmorillonite and citric acid, using xylose as a crosslinker, and crosslinking with glutaraldehyde. The incorporation of additives such as canola and sorghum proteins, Plantago major seed mucilage and Anethum graveolens essential oil, and pine needle extract (PNE) has also been reported to improve the properties of soy protein-based films. In conclusion, soy protein-based films have excellent film-forming properties and many functional characteristics, making them a promising material for food packaging applications. However, their poor moisture barrier properties must be improved to make them more suitable for food packaging applications. Crosslinking methods have been used to improve the properties of soy protein-based films for various applications, such as meat packaging. The incorporation of additives such as canola and sorghum proteins, Plantago major seed mucilage and Anethum graveolens essential oil, and pine needle extract (PNE) has also been reported to improve the properties of soy protein-based films.
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