Development and quality cum nutritional assessment based on physical properties for corn extruded snacks enriched with protein and carbohydrates: A remedy to malnutrition for society
extrusion, corn extruded snacks, malnutrition, extrudates, nutrient-enriched snacksAbstract
Malnutrition is one of the century's most pressing challenges. If malnutrition is not addressed early, people may suffer from non-communicable diseases. A proper, nutritious diet is necessary to overcome diseases like malnutrition. The technology like extrusion can develop rich fortified food products by retaining high nutrition content. In this study, extrusion technology was used to develop protein and carbohydrate snacks with proper nutrition based on the physical properties of commodities by combining different ratios of corn grits, apple pomace, and mung beans. The objectives of the study focused on the development of a food product based on engineering aspects and the quality cum nutritional evaluation of the finished product that can be used as a diet to combat malnutrition. Physical properties like color, rehydration ratio, porosity, bulk density, water solubility index, texture, sensory evaluation, hardness, and crispiness were studied in detail. The energy content of protein and carbohydrates was measured for nutritional assessment using Food Data Central as a standard, provided by the United States of America Department of Agriculture. Results reveal significant variations among treatments, with the addition of apple pomace impacting bulk density, water solubility index, and color attributes. Mung bean supplementation demonstrates a direct correlation with increased hardness and influences porosity. The rehydration ratio is positively affected by apple pomace. Sensory evaluation underscores the substantial impact on color, texture, crispiness, taste, and overall acceptability, providing valuable insights for snack formulation.
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