Effects of the lactation period, breed and feed on amino acids profile of mare’s milk


  • Miroslav Fišera College of Business and Hotel Management Ltd., Institute of Gastronomy, Bosonožská 9, 625 00 Brno, Czech Republic, Tel.: +420 547218247, and Tomas Bata University, Faculty of Technology, Department of Food Analysis and Chemistry, 762 72 Zlín, Czech Republic, Tel.: +420 576 038 084, E-mail: fisera@hotskolabrno.cz E-mail: fisera@ft.utb.cz https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8962-9280
  • Stanislav Kráčmar College of Business and Hotel Management Ltd., Institute of Gastronomy, Bosonožská 9, 625 00 Brno, Czech Republic, Tel.: +420 547218247
  • Květoslava Šustová College of Business and Hotel Management Ltd., Institute of Gastronomy, Bosonožská 9, 625 00 Brno, Czech Republic, Tel.: +420 547218246
  • Pavel Tvrzník College of Business and Hotel Management Ltd., Institute of Gastronomy, Bosonožská 9, 625 00 Brno, Czech Republic, Tel.: +420 547218247
  • Helena Velichová College of Business and Hotel Management Ltd., Institute of Gastronomy, Bosonožská 9, 625 00 Brno, Czech Republic, Tel.: +420 547218247, and Tomas Bata University, Faculty of Technology, Department of Food Analysis and Chemistry, 762 72 Zlín, Czech Republic, Tel: +420 76031542, E-mail: velichova@hotskolabrno.cz E-mail: velichova@ft.utb.cz
  • Lenka Fišerová Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Chemistry, Institute for Chemistry and Technology of Environmental Protection, Purkyňova 118, 612 00 Brno, Czech Republic, Tel.: +420 541149424 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1244-3872
  • Vlastimil Kubáň Tomas Bata University, Faculty of Technology, Department of Food Technology, 762 72 Zlín, Czech Republic, Tel.: +420 576 033 018




mare’s milk, milk, amino acids, minerals, lactation, feed, breed


The effects of the lactation period, breed, and feed on amino acids profile of mare’s milk were investigated. The feed contained two major essential amino acids (EAAs) leucine (7.31 – 10.3 g.kg-1) and arginine (6.37 – 9.59 g.kg-1); it also included minor EAAs methionine (2.11 – 3.05 g.kg-1) and histidine (2.48 – 3.60 g.kg-1). Glu+Gln, Asp+Asn, and proline, major nonessential amino acids (NEAAs), constituted approximately 60% of total NEAAs (TNEAAs). The ratio of total EAAs to NEAAs ranged from 1:1.2 to 1:1.4. Amino acids (AA) content throughout all milk samples varied due to mare’s different conditions and lactation days. Except for the 1P milk sample, total AA content in the 2 – 8Ps specimens caused by differences in breed oscillated from the 2nd to 28th day of lactation within the following limits: 21.9 – 54.6 g.kg-1, 33.6 – 70.7 g.kg-1, 38.1 – 71.2 g.kg-1, 29.46 – 74.2 g.kg-1, 52.2 – 87.1 g.kg-1, 37.9 – 70.3 g.kg-1 and 26.4 – 64.5 g.kg-1, respectively. In relation to TEAAs in milk, the highest EAAs levels were reached in arginine, leucine and lysine ranging between 2.41 – 4.35 g.kg-1, 3.36 – 5.59 g.kg-1 and 2.72 – 4.80 g.kg-1, respectively, while the lowest AAs amounts were indicated in histidine and methionine, 0.91 – 1.58 g.kg-1 and 1.23 – 2.04 g.kg-1 respectively. Total NEAAs content was slightly higher than that of EAAs; the TNEAAs to TEAAs ratio was 1:0.9 proximately. Glu+Gln, Asp+Asn and proline were determined as major NEAAs of milk ranging between, 6.77 – 11.0 g.kg-1, 3.21 – 5.60 g.kg-1 and 1.25 – 2.18 g.kg-1, respectively; levels of NEAAs such as cysteine and glycine oscillated between 0.89 – 1.52 g.kg-1 and 0.64 – 1.15 g.kg-1, respectively. The average TAAs contents caused by breed differences were 62.8 g.kg-1, 42.8 g.kg-1, 44.7 g.kg-1 and 44.8 g.kg-1, respectively, on the 2nd, 5th, 10th, and 28th lactation days.


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How to Cite

Fišera, M., Kráčmar, S., Šustová, K., Tvrzník, P., Velichová, H., Fišerová, L., & Kubáň, V. (2020). Effects of the lactation period, breed and feed on amino acids profile of mare’s milk. Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, 14, 562–572. https://doi.org/10.5219/1344

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