Effect of different storage times on Japanese quail egg quality characteristics


  • Sylvie Ondruší­ková Mendel University in Brno, Faculty of AgriSciences, Department of Food Technology, Zemědělská 1, 613 00 Brno
  • Šárka Nedomová Mendel University in Brno, Faculty of AgriSciences, Department of Food Technology, Zemědělská 1, 613 00 Brno
  • Roman Pytel Mendel University in Brno, Faculty of AgriSciences, Department of Food Technology, Zemědělská 1, 613 00 Brno
  • Olga Cwiková Mendel University in Brno, Faculty of AgriSciences, Department of Food Technology, Zemědělská 1, 61300 Brno
  • Vojtěch Kumbár Mendel University in Brno, Faculty of AgriSciences, Department of Technology and Automobile Transport, Zemědělská 1, 613 00 Brno




quail eggs, egg quality parameters, storage time, storage temperature


The aim of this research was to monitor selected quality parameters of Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) - the loss of egg weight, changing yolk and white index, Haugh units, egg yolks color. Quail eggs were stored for 0, 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8 weeks at 4 °C. The weight of the quail eggs ranged from 11.67 to 12.27 g. The ratio of the shell range 7.60 to 8.16 % (resp. 0.89 - 0.96 g), ratio of egg white from 59.33 to 62.10 % (resp. 6.31 - 6.66 g) and a ratio yolk of 30.13 - 32.88 % (resp. 3.68 - 3.91 g). The lost of egg weight ranged from 0.47 to 2.93 % during the quail eggs storage, corresponding to a weight loss of 0.26 - 0.58 g of the total weight of the eggs. The average values of the yolk index ranged from 42.67 - 48.53 % and the average values of the quail egg white index ranged from 6.77 to 11.35 %. The average Haugh units were set between 56.93 and 73.72. The color of quail egg yolk was determined using the La Roche scale with the most frequent value 3. During the quail eggs storage, a statistically significant difference was found with most of the quality traits observed.



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How to Cite

Ondruší­ková, S. ., Nedomová, Šárka ., Pytel, R. ., Cwiková, O. ., & Kumbár, V. . (2018). Effect of different storage times on Japanese quail egg quality characteristics. Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, 12(1), 560–565. https://doi.org/10.5219/949

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