Influence of different storage conditions on the occurrence of Enterococci in smear ripened cheeses


  • Olga Cwiková Mendel University in Brno, Faculty of AgriSciences, Department of Food Technology, Zemědělská 1, 61300 Brno, Czech Republic, Tel.: +420545133339
  • Gabriela Franke Mendel University in Brno, Faculty of AgriSciences, Department of Food Technology, Zemědělská 1, 61300 Brno, Czech Republic, Tel.: +420545133337



Enterococcus spp.; smear-ripened cheese; storage period and temperature


The number of enterococci was monitored in smear-ripened cheeses stored under different temperature regimes. Sampling and subsequent analyses were performed on the day of manufacture (A/0 = B/0 = C/0), at the end of BBD (A/35, B/35, C/35), two weeks after BBD (A/49, B/49), and eight weeks after BBD (C/91). No statistical difference (p >0.05) was found in the numbers of enterococci in cheeses stored under different temperature regimes until the Best-Before date or at the end of monitoring after 49 and 91 days respectively. At the beginning of storage (A/0, B/0, C/0), the numbers of enterococci in cheeses were 2.3 log CFU.g-1. The highest number of enterococci was recorded after 49 days of storage at 6 °C at 5.4 log CFU.g-1. During storage, there was an increase (p <0.05) in the numbers of enterococci in all types of temperature regimes. Enterococci content was influenced (p <0.05) by both the storage period and storage method (temperature regime).


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How to Cite

Cwiková, O., & Franke, G. (2020). Influence of different storage conditions on the occurrence of Enterococci in smear ripened cheeses. Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, 14, 1131–1136.

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