Microbiological quality of smear-ripened cheeses stored in different temperature regimes


  • Olga Cwiková Mendel university Brno, Department of Technology of Food




smear–ripened cheese, lactic acid bacteria, coliforms, moulds, yeast, Brevibacterium linens


The purpose of this work was to study smear-ripened cheese, especially its microbiological quality. Samples were stored in different temperature conditions. The first group (A) of samples was stored in a refrigerator at 6 °C. The second group (B) of samples was stored at 6 °C for 21 days, next at -18 °C for 7 days and 7 days at 6 °C. The third group (C) of samples was stored  at  6 °C before the date of minimum durability, next 7 weeks at -18 °C and after that at 6 °C for 7 days. I have observed  lactic  acid  bacteria, Brevibacterium  linens, coliforms,  psychrotrophic  organisms, Escherichia  coli, moulds  and yeast. The number of Brevibacterium linens was higher (p <0.05) at cool ing/freezing for 1 week (log CFU.g-1) than cooling (log CFU.g-1) and cooling/freezing for 7 weeks after 35 days. A higher (p <0.05) number of psychrotrophic microorganisms was recorded at the end of the monitoring in samples stored in a refrigerator (A/49) in comparison with cheeses stored using cooling/freezing  regime  for  one  week  (B/49). Among  the  samples  stored  at  these  temperature  regimes,  there  were  no statistically significant differences (p >0.05) in the numbers of LAB, coliforms, E. coli, moulds and yeast, neither at the end of the DMD nor at storage for 49 or 91 days, respectively.


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How to Cite

Cwiková, O. . (2015). Microbiological quality of smear-ripened cheeses stored in different temperature regimes. Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, 9(1), 403–410. https://doi.org/10.5219/512

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