Evaluation of rabbit meat microbiota from the viewpoint of marketing method


  • Olga Cwiková Mendel University in Brno, Faculty of AgriSciences, Department of Food Technology, Zemědělská 1, 61300 Brno
  • Roman Pytel Mendel University in Brno, Faculty of AgriSciences, Department of Food Technology, Zemědělská 1, 613 00 Brno




rabbit, TAC, LAB, Enterobacteriaceae, psychrotrophic microorganisms, yeasts and moulds


Microbiological analysis was performed on carcasses of rabbits coming from domestic slaughter, purchased at butcher shops, vacuum-packaged and purchased in supermarkets, as well as frozen. The total number of analysed rabbits was 20. For all samples the following microbiological parameters were determined: total microorganisms count (TAC), the count of lactic acid bacteria (LAB), psychrotropic microorganisms, moulds and yeasts, as well as bacteria of the Enterobacteriaceae family. Total microorganisms count was the highest (p <0.05) in rabbit meat from butcher shops (5.34 log CFU.g-1). The counts of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) in rabbit meat originating from domestic breeding was 2.58 log CFU.g-1, in vacuum-packaged rabbits 3.18 log CFU.g-1, in frozen rabbits 2.29 log CFU.g-1, and in rabbit meat purchased from butcher shops 3.58 log CFU.g-1. The highest count (p <0.05) of Enterobacteriaceae was observed in samples from butcher shops, namely 2.91 log CFU.g-1. In contrast the lowest count (p <0.05) was in rabbit meat from home slaughtering at 1.47 log CFU.g-1 and in frozen ones at 1.36 log CFU.g-1. The lowest counts (p <0.05) of moulds and yeasts were observed in rabbit meat from domestic slaughter, namely 1.12 log CFU.g-1. The highest counts (p <0.05) were in rabbit meat from butcher shops 2.97 log CFU.g-1. The highest counts (p <0.05) of psychrotrophic microorganisms were detected in rabbit meat from butcher shops, namely 4.98 log CFU g-1 and the lowest ones (p <0.05) in the meat of domestically slaughtered rabbits at 2.52 log CFU.g-1. In all monitored microbiological indicators, we have found differences (p <0.05) in their counts on the surface and inside the muscle tissue, both on the front and rear parts of the rabbit carcass


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How to Cite

Cwiková, O. ., & Pytel, R. . (2017). Evaluation of rabbit meat microbiota from the viewpoint of marketing method. Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, 11(1), 391–397. https://doi.org/10.5219/764

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