The effect of single clove Black garlic on the hemostasis status and lipid profile in male Sprague Dawley rats with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
single clove black garlic, PAI-1, lipid profile, NAFLD, cardiovascular diseaseAbstract
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) patients have alteration in hemostasis components. Thus, including excess expression of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), causing fibrinolysis disorders; the majority of these patients are hypercoagulable state prone to thrombosis. Some evidence suggests that garlic and garlic supplements have antithrombotic and anti-inflammatory properties. Besides, garlic stimulates fibrinolytic activity and normalizes plasma lipid imbalances. Black garlic is processed garlic that is produced through natural aging at a controlled temperature (70 °C) and high humidity (90%) for several days, without other additives. This study aimed to prove the effect of single clove black garlic (SCBG) (Allium sativum Linn) on PAI-1 levels and lipid profiles of NAFLD rats induced by a high-fat fructose diet (HFFD) containing 1.25% cholesterol and 0.5% cholic acid.The rats were then divided into healthy control group (K1+); NAFLD control group without treatment (K2+); 0.9 mg simvastatin treatment group (K1-); 45 mg metformin treatment group (K2-); SCBG 450 mg per 200g BW (X1); 900 mg per 200 g BW (X2); and 1350 mg per 200 g BW (X3). All treatments were administered for 4 weeks via oral gavage. As a result, significant differences in PAI-1 levels and lipid profiles between groups after the administration (p = 0.001) were noted and also by simvastatin and metformin, respectively. There was a correlation between PAI-1 and lipid profile of SCBG treatment. In conclusion, the administration of SCBG (1350 mg per 200 g BB per day) for 4 weeks had a significant effect on PAI-1 levels, and the lipid profiles in Sprague Dawley rats modeled NAFLD (p = 0.001). SCBG has provided benefits that can be useful in the management of NAFLD but it’s not equivalent to medicine.
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