Composition and microstructure alteration of triticale grain surface after processing by enzymes of cellulase complex


  • Elena Kuznetsova State University-Education-Science-Production Complex, 302020, Orel, Naugorskoe shosse, 29
  • Svetlana Motyleva All-Russian Institute of plant breeding and gardening and nursery, 115598, Ðœoskow, Zagorievskay street, 4
  • Maria Mertvischeva All-Russian Institute of plant breeding and gardening and nursery, 115598, Ðœoskow, Zagorievskay street, 4
  • Vladislav Zomitev State University-Education-Science-Production Complex, 302020, Orel, Naugorskoe shosse, 29
  • Jan Brindza Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources, Institute of Biological Conservation and Biosafety, Trieda Andrey Hlinku 2, 949 76 Nitra



triticale, grain, xylanase, microstructure, antioxidant activity


It is found that the pericarp tissue of grain have considerable strength and stiffness, that has an adverse effect on quality of whole-grain bread. Thereby, there exists the need for preliminary chemical and biochemical processing of durable cell walls before industrial use. Increasingly used in the production of bread finds an artificial hybrid of the traditional grain crops of wheat and rye - triticale, grain which has high nutritional value. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the influence of cellulose complex (Penicillium canescens) enzymes on composition and microstructure alteration of triticale grain surface, for grain used in baking. Triticale grain was processed by cellulolytic enzyme preparations with different composition (producer is Penicillium canescens). During experiment it is found that triticale grain processing by enzymes of cellulase complex leads to an increase in the content of water-soluble pentosans by 36.3 - 39.2%. The total amount of low molecular sugars increased by 3.8 - 10.5 %. Studies show that under the influence of enzymes the microstructure of the triticale grain surface is changing. Microphotographs characterizing grain surface structure alteration in dynamic (every 2 hours) during 10 hours of substrate hydrolysis are shown. It is found that the depth and direction of destruction process for non-starch polysaccharides of grain integument are determined by the composition of the enzyme complex preparation and duration of exposure. It is found, that xylanase involved in the modification of hemicelluloses fiber having both longitudinal and radial orientation. Hydrolysis of non-starch polysaccharides from grain shells led to increase of antioxidant activity. Ferulic acid was identified in alcoholic extract of triticale grain after enzymatic hydrolysis under the influence of complex preparation containing cellulase, xylanase and β-glucanase. Grain processing by independent enzymes containing in complex preparation (xylanase and β-glucanase) shows that more significant role in polysaccharide complex composition and grain surface microstructure alteration belongs to xylanase. Grain processing by independent of cellulolytic enzymes may decrease the strength of pericarp tissue of grain and improved sensory characteristics of the bread.



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How to Cite

Kuznetsova, E. ., Motyleva, S. ., Mertvischeva, M. ., Zomitev, V. ., & Brindza, J. . (2016). Composition and microstructure alteration of triticale grain surface after processing by enzymes of cellulase complex. Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, 10(1), 23–29.

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