The chemical composition of two kinds of grape juice with medicinal plant addition
grape juice, Calendula officinalis L., Ginkgo biloba, Thymus serpyllum, Matricaria recutita, Salvia officinalis L., Mentha aquatica var. citrate, chemical parametersAbstract
The safety of plant-based food with an herbal origin is a priority for producers and final consumers these days. The interest in the high biological value of the final food products enriched with herbal ingredients is rising. We focused on the study of physico-chemical composition and antioxidant activity of two kinds of grape juice with medicinal plant addition in our study. We used 2 varieties of grapes - Welschriesling and Cabernet Sauvignon, six species of medicinal plants - Calendula officinalis L., Ginkgo biloba, Thymus serpyllum, Matricaria recutita, Salvia officinalis L., and Mentha aquatica var. citrata in our experiment. There were14 samples prepared, two of them were control samples and 12 samples were treated with medicinal plants. We tested each of the selected parameters triplicate with an interval of one week. We evaluated the results statistically in 4 levels of significance p <0,01, p <0,001, p <0,0001 and p <0,00001. The content of fructose, glucose, dry matter, density, malic acid, pH, potential alcohol, total acids, and total sugars in the treated samples was significantly lower compared to the control sample, which was probably due to the degree of dilution of grape juice with extracts gained from medicinal plants. The antioxidant effect was demonstrably higher in the samples enriched with medicinal plants than in the control samples. The highest antioxidant effect was measured in the second test in the samples with the addition of Thymus serpyllum (80.93 % - white grape must, 82.33 % - blue grape must), Calendula officinalis L. (79.29 % - white grape must, 80.49 % - blue grape must) and Ginkgo biloba (79.10 % - white grape must, 83.3 % - blue grape must). Generally, we found out that the selected medicinal plants increase the biological quality of grape juice.
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