Influence of rootstocks on the productivity and chemical composition of Prunus domestica L. fruits
Prunus domestica L., scion-stock combinations, productivity, fruits chemical compositionAbstract
The influence of seedling and clonal rootstocks of different spreads on Prunus domestica L. plum fruits quality and productivity of Yaichnaya Sinyaya and Utro varieties was studied. The significant change of productivity and the fruit weight of the varieties under study was to determine under the influence of the rootstock. Depending on the scion-stock combination the plum tree's productivity varied from 7.5 kg/tr. (Utro/140-1) to 15.1 kg/tr. (Yаichnaya Sinyaya /Novinka) at the mean value of 11.5 kg/tr. Medium-growing rootstocks Novinka and OPA-15-2 provided the maximum value of the varieties productivity The significant productivity decrease relatively to seedling rootstock was stated for the combinations with low-growing rootstock 140-1. Soluble solids content in the fruits of Yаichnaya Sinyaya variety is higher than in the fruits of Utro variety, moreover, the highest values were determined on Novinka and OPA-15-2 rootstocks: on 4 – 4.5% higher in comparison with the fruits on the seeding rootstock at average. The rootstock causes less influence on titratable acids. The antioxidant activity of Yаichnaya Sinyaya variety fruits is 30% higher than that of Utro variety fruits on average. The maximum values of antioxidant activity in Yаichnaya Sinyaya variety fruits were fixed on OPA-15-2 rootstock (16.37%), the minimal ones – on Skorospelka Krasnaya rootstocks (14.68%). In the fruits of Utro variety the highest values were stated on OP-23-23 rootstock (13.16%), and the lowest ones – on the seedling rootstock (10.93%). The content of phenolic compounds sum is 60% higher in the fruits of Yаichnaya Sinyaya variety than in Utro variety ones on average. The decrease of the content of phenolic compounds sum was stated in the fruits of Utro variety on all the rootstocks in comparison with the combination Utro/seedling rootstock. The decreasing series of ash elements accumulation (K > P > Ca > Mg > Mo > S > Zn > Si) was determined. The strongest variety differences on total mineral element content were overvalued on medium-growing clonal rootstocks (Novinka, OP-23-23 and OPA-15-2). OPA-15-2 and OP-23-23 rootstocks provided the highest fruit quality on the combination of economic and biochemical parameters.
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