The technological properties of winter wheat grain during long-term storage
wheat grain, technological properties, growing systems, predecessors, term of storageAbstract
In the world, the demand for quality and safe grain products is increasing. The need to preserve wheat in the event of a natural disaster requires the study of optimal storage times of grain without degrading technological indexes. The purpose of the work was to study the dynamics of technological properties of winter wheat grown after peas, clover, corn for silage and the industrial, ecological, biological growing systems during 1, 3, and 5 years of storage in the conditions of the ordinary granary. The absence of significant differences in the technological parameters of the grain of wheat grown at industrial and ecological systems, but significantly lower indicators at a biological growing system was found. The highest hectolitre weight obtained when wheat grain was grown after corn for silage, and vitreousness – after the clover. Significantly higher biochemical parameters of grain and alveographic properties of flour were for the cultivation of wheat after peas, which provided additional accumulation of protein substances. There are no significant changes in the indicator of hectolitre weight during the grain storage. Other indicators increased significantly after 1 year of storage (on average by 10 – 30%). For further storage, vitreousness growth was insignificant. After 5 years of storage, the falling number significantly increased (on 21% compared to the initial values and on 7% – after 3 years of storage). The content of protein, gluten in the grain, and alveographic properties of flour significantly decreased after 5 years of storage. The possibility of obtaining grain of wheat with high technological parameters for a more safe ecological growing system was established. It was also confirmed to need for grain storage up to 1 year to improve quality indicators and it was established that it safely stored for 3 years.
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