An improved method for determining the mass fraction of calcium carbonate in the carbonate bedrock
limestone, carbonate bedrock, calcium carbonate, lime separation, sugar industryAbstract
In the article it is offered to enter in the technological audit of the lime department of sugar factory the adjusted technique of the definition of the maintenance of calcium carbonate in carbonate breed. For this purpose, a complete chemical analysis of limestone was performed, which includes determination of moisture content, impurities insoluble in hydrochloric acid, the amount of one and a half oxides of aluminum and iron, calcium carbonate (advanced method), and magnesium carbonate, calcium sulfate, alkali metal oxides, potassium, and sodium. The obtained experimental data are summarized in one table and the material balance of all components of carbonate bedrock is summarized. The proposed method made it possible to obtain objective data on the component composition of the carbonate material. This, in turn, avoids many technological problems, namely to reduce the formation of melts in the lime kiln, improve the filtration of juices, increase the ability of lime to chemically interact with water, reduce the volume of water on the juicer etc. Thus, the use of the recommended method for determining calcium carbonate (CaCO3), as part of the technological audit, will allow early adjustment of the process, which will give maximum energy and resource savings, as well as increase the level of environmental friendliness of the enterprise.
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