The effect of dry demineralized whey (DDW) and coconut oil on the rheological characteristics of the legume butter
legume butter, dry whey powder, bean, rheological properties, modelingAbstract
This article reveals the possibility of using legume butter to obtain a new combined product of increased quality. The technology of model compositions of finishing semi-finished products, in particular, confectionery legume butter with DDW, has been developed. The results of a study on optimizing the recipe composition of finishing semi-finished products made it possible to develop this technology of multifunctional confectionery butter with the desired (specified) organoleptic and structural and mechanical properties. The analysis of the formation of the structure of legume butter of oppositely directed processes in the enzymatic destruction of the residual cellular structure and spontaneous aggregation of protein particles into the spatial structure due to gradual dehydration of the system was carried out. It is noted that sugar plays the role of a plasticizer, reducing the rate of gelatinization of starch while reducing the viscosity peak. The use of dry demineralized whey (DDW) in legume butter technologies contributes to the formation of a stronger structure of the protein component and the development of a spatial structure, which gives it certain structural and mechanical properties. Three main directions of technological use of confectionery butter were established, which are based on structural characteristics of consistency: 1 – confectionery butter used to cover confectionery products and as a layer for them (CP – Confectionery Products), where the main indicator of consistency is extensibility; 2 – confectionery butter used for making flowers, as a decorative element for flour confectionery (SC – Sugar Confectionery)), where the main indicator of consistency is an equivalent ratio of extensibility and forming ability; 3 – confectionery butter used for modeling shaped products, as a decorative element for flour confectionery products, where the main indicator of consistency is the forming ability. The results of studies of the rheological characteristics of legume butter with dry demineralized whey (DDW) and coconut oil are presented. It was ascertained that DDW and coconut oil lead to changes in the state of legume butter, changing the values of rheological characteristics. The rational content of DDW and coconut oil in the composition of legume butter while ensuring high functional and technological properties was proved. The optimal ratios of components of the developed legume butter were mathematically grounded.
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