Justification of thermodynamic efficiency of the new air heat pump in the system of redistribution of energy resources at the enterprise
energy circuits, recuperation, phase transitions, internal resources, heat pump, condenserAbstract
The article evaluates the energy resources of the components of the environment and the prospects for their use on the redistribution with the creation of local zones of cooling and heating. The physical basis of the principle and systems of redistribution and transformations of energy resources of environments with coverage of the role of compensation processes is given. The use of closed energy circuits with intermediate energy sources, which are subject to phase transitions of evaporation and condensation, and data of energy potentials of ambient air, which are practically achievable for use on this basis, is proposed. The article shows the advantages of arranging systems for redistribution of thermal potentials based on the use of phase transitions of material media. Determination of energy balances of energy redistribution systems is carried out with the indication that in the end, such a method is the most energy-efficient. Upon completion of technological tasks, local areas with different energy potentials and temperatures degrade in dissipation processes and transform to the level of environmental indicators. This means interfering with the environment only at the level of energy costs in compensation processes. The article shows the transition to secondary recovery systems of energy resources based on the use of primary energy sources in environmental transformations at the levels of increasing their energy potentials and providing phase transitions with appropriate mathematical formalizations. A regression analysis of the feasibility of using primary energy potentials is given. It is proved that in the heat pump due to the generated mechanical energy the heat return at the level of the lost one. The estimation of the general condition of processes at power effects is given. The offered air pump and system of realization of a refrigerating cycle are considered. The redistribution of energy potentials of natural, forcibly created environments or systems and the synthesis on this basis of powerful heat fluxes in combination with advanced control methods, allows you to control their values of thermodynamic parameters.
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