Evaluation of the basic saccharides content in tomatoes
tomato, saccharides, glucose, fructose, sucroseAbstract
Saccharides are the basic dry matter components of all fruits and vegetables. The dominant tomatoes saccharides are fructose and glucose, minor ones are sucrose but also arabinose, xylose, and galactose. The objective of this paper is to analyze carbohydrates such as glucose, fructose and sucrose in the selected tomatoes varieties intended for the direct consumption and industrial processing. We used 14 varieties and 3 newly selected tomatoes varieties. The glucose content in the studied varieties was in the range of 4.87 – 15.9 g.kg-1, the fructose content was 11.1 – 22.27 g.kg-1 and sucrose content was
0.07 – 1.73 g.kg-1. The highest fructose and sucrose content was detected in the Tomanova variety, the highest sucrose content was found out in the Bovita variety. When comparing the glucose content it was found out that the higher content on average was achieved in the varieties intended for the industrial processing (10.10 g.kg-1) than in the varieties for the direct consumption (7.96 g.kg-1). The varieties intended for industrial processing were generally characterized by higher glucose and fructose content than the varieties intended for the direct consumption. When comparing the fructose content, we found a higher average content in the varieties intended for industrial processing (15.70 g.kg-1) than in the varieties for the direct consumption (14.40 g.kg-1). In most of the studied varieties sucrose was present in low content (<1.0 g.kg-1), only in the Tomanova variety sucrose content represented more than 1 g.kg-1.
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