The effect of the carcass fat thickness on the qualitative technological and sensory attributes of beef
marbling, conformation of carcasses, muscle tissue, sensory attributes, subcutaneous fatAbstract
The established correlations between subcutaneous fat thickness and the quality attributes of carcasses and beef are relevant for producers and the processing industry. The purpose of the study is to establish the characteristics of slaughter, chemical composition, sensory physical, and technological properties of beef made of young bulls belonging to the Ukrainian black-and-white dairy breed aged 18 to 24 months, depending on the thickness of the fat on the carcass. The colour of muscle and adipose tissue, the conformation of carcasses, the development of subcutaneous fat, marbling, chemical composition, and sensory attributes of beef and broth made of it were determined in the context of different fat thicknesses on the carcass. With an increase in the thickness of subcutaneous fat, the fleshiness (conformation) of carcasses increases by 55.2% (P>0.95), the cover of carcasses with fat increases by 43.5 (P>0.99), and muscle penetration improves by 45.8% (P>0.95). With the thickening of subcutaneous fat from 0.5 to 1.1 cm or more, there is a tendency of tendons and ligaments in carcasses to increase by 53.6%, with adipose tissue increasing by 25.6%, points for the juiciness of boiled beef increasing by 20.8%, its tenderness increasing by 12.5%, and the reduction in the m. longissimus dorsi 'loin eye' area increased by 7.3%, marbling increased by 19.0%, reduction of moisture content in meat increased by 27.8%, and its boiling properties increased by 7.9%. With an increase in the thickness of subcutaneous fat in beef, there was a tendency for the reduction of its acidity (pH), the amount of dry matter, the total content of fat and minerals, deterioration of taste, aroma, residue after chewing boiled meat, flavour, and aroma, concentration, and transparency of broth made of it. The practical significance of these studies is to obtain knowledge that allows the assessment of the quality characteristics of carcasses and beef by the thickness of subcutaneous fat for their further use by producers and processing industries.
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