Use of aromatic root vegetables in the technology of freshwater fish preserves
preserves, linseed oil, aromatic root vegetables, hydrobionts, polyunsaturated fatty acidAbstract
The expediency of using freshwater fish and aromatic root vegetables in the technology of preserves has been substantiated. Based on the organoleptic analysis, the compatibility of freshwater fish and aromatic vegetables as part of preserves has been determined. The conditions for pretreatment of salted semi-finished products to ensure their maturation as part of preserves have been theoretically substantiated and experimentally determined. It has been found that pretreatment of freshwater fish flesh with 1.0% and 1.5% malic acid for 60 minutes provides soft, tender and juicy consistency, which corresponds to an organoleptic rating of 5 points. Changes in the fatty acid composition of preserves are mainly associated with an increase in the amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids that have been introduced with linseed oil, which is a positive factor. It has been found that, in comparison with the control sample, the level of all mineral elements in preserves with aromatic root vegetables is significantly increased, with fiber present, which indicates the expediency of introducing aromatic root vegetables into this product to enrich it with essential mineral and carbohydrate elements to obtain a high-value and healthy food product. Enriching the formulation of preserves made of freshwater fish with a variety of herbal additives increases their nutritional value and allows to get a product of high value enriched with such vital nutrients as carbohydrates, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, sodium, magnesium, manganese, and iron. Aromatic root vegetables such as horseradish, parsley, and ginger have been found to exhibit antiseptic properties and delay the activity of microbial enzymes as they content phenol. Therefore, the use of aromatic root vegetables helps to inhibit the oxidation and hydrolysis of fats, which may be due to the presence of phenols in their composition.
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