Regional features of camel milk composition and properties in the Republic of Kazakhstan
amino acids, camel milk, chemical composition, fatty acids, mineralAbstract
Camel milk, renowned for its distinctive nutritional qualities, has captured the interest of scientific researchers due to its potential health benefits. This study aims to compare the biochemical composition of camel milk sourced from two distinct regions of Kazakhstan: Jetisu and Mangystou. Analytical methods were employed to achieve this objective, including gas chromatography for fatty acid analysis, chemical methods for physicochemical parameter determination, and assessment of amino acid, fatty acid, mineral, and vitamin content. In samples from the Jetisu region, protein content ranged from 3.61% to 3.70%, fat from 3.85% to 4.64%, and lactose from 4.80% to 4.85%. In comparison, samples from the Mangystou region exhibited protein content ranging from 3.65% to 3.81%, fat from 4.72% to 5.75%, and lactose from 4.21% to 4.28%. Regarding amino acid composition, Mangystou region samples contained more essential amino acids per 100 g of protein than Jetisu region samples: 41.29 g versus 38.20 g, respectively. Additionally, the Jetisu region sample contained 64.291% saturated fatty acids, while the Mangystou region sample had 62.135%, indicating differences in fatty acid composition based on geographical origin. In terms of mineral composition, camel milk from the Mangystou region exhibited higher calcium and zinc content compared to Jetisu region samples, with calcium and zinc content measured at 124.50 mg/100 g and 490.15 μg/100 g, respectively, for Mangystou samples, and 112.50 mg/100 g and 321.24 μg/100 g, respectively, for Jetisu samples. Overall, the study underscores regional variances in camel milk's biochemical composition, which can impact its nutritional and biological value. These findings provide dairy product producers in Kazakhstan with enhanced opportunities to create healthy, high-quality dairy products.
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