The study of physicochemical and technological properties of boiled sausage recommended for the older adults
balanced nutrition, older person, aging, herodietic product, moisture-binding abilityAbstract
A recipe for cooked sausages of the herodietic direction using protein hydrolysate in the amount of 3%, 5%, and 7% of the mass of raw materials is proposed. The recipe is based on "Beef Sausage". Organoleptic evaluation of the prototypes showed that when protein hydrolysate was added in an amount of 7%, a specific taste characteristic of by-products was present in the prototype. Based on the sensory evaluation results, it was decided to continue the study of samples with the addition of 3% and 5% protein hydrolysate. The results of the study of the physicochemical parameters of the prototypes with the addition of protein hydrolysate 3% and 5%, showed the values of the mass fraction of protein 16.65% and 19.29%, fat 9.85% and 12.25%, carbohydrates 2.85% and 3.07% respectively, indicating an increase in the amount of protein and a decrease in the proportion of fat compared to the control sample. A significant increase in the content of such essential amino acids as lysine and valine and interchangeable amino acids as arginine, glycine, and serine in the test samples confirms that the protein hydrolysate introduced into the prototype is rich and well-balanced in amino acid composition. To study the effect of protein hydrolysate on the quality of meat products, the moisture binding capacity was determined, which was 3% and 5% in the experimental samples with the addition of protein hydrolysate – 75.62% and 79.13%, which is 3.4% and 8.2% higher than that of the control sample, respectively. The sample with the addition of 5% hydrolysate (80.01) has the greatest moisture-retaining ability, which is 9% higher than that of the sample with 3% hydrolysate and 15.8% higher than the control indicator. The study results of the fat-holding capacity in the samples also showed positive dynamics.
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