Use of non-conventional raw materials in the production of gluten-free pasta – a review
gluten-free pasta, review, celiac disease, gluten-free flour, gluten free, flourAbstract
Currently, about 5% of the earth's population suffers from gluten-related disorders. Modern technologies for gluten-free diets and filling the protein deficit are aimed at manufacturing gluten-free (GF) pasta products using non-conventional plant raw materials with high biological value. GF grains and crops (rice, corn, buckwheat, amaranth, quinoa, etc.) are used to produce GF pasta products. However, there is a scarcity of studies that comprehensively understand GF flour addition on the nutritive, sensory and cooking properties. Therefore, the scope of this literature review covers the main types of non-conventional raw materials for GF pasta products and summarizes the research on pasta products made from them. Results indicate that the rheological and sensory attributes of pasta made from pure GF flours such as rice or corn still requires a deeper study of technological processes in producing GF pasta. Incorporating nutrient-dense ingredients such as amaranth, quinoa, sorghum, and chia flours not only enhances the nutritional profile of gluten-free pasta but also offers opportunities for diverse culinary applications. The improvement of sensory attributes in rice-, corn-, buckwheat-based pasta, coupled with the effective use of cooking enhancers like xanthan gum, transglutaminases, inulin, and alternative starches, paves the way for creating more palatable gluten-free options. As techniques such as high-temperature treatment, extrusion cooking, and starch pregelatinization become more refined, future developments may focus on optimizing these processes to further improve the texture, taste, and overall quality of gluten-free pasta. Continued research and innovation in ingredient selection and processing technologies will be crucial for meeting the growing demand for gluten-free products that do not compromise on culinary experience or nutritional value.
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