The effect of storage temperature on the quality of avocado fruits from different climatic zones
avocado, quality, consumption properties, fatty acid compositionAbstract
Avocado is one of the most valuable products, as it is characterized by a high content of biologically active substances, including vitamins, mineral elements, fats, and dietary fibers. According to a complex of organoleptic and physicochemical indicators, the consumption properties of avocado fruits from different countries of origin, which are sold in Ukraine, have been investigated. Among the organoleptic indicators, the state of peel and pulp, taste, and smell has been determined according to the developed scoring scale. It has been established that the Haas type (Colombia) fruits have a light green pulp and a deep green peel that does not lag well behind the flesh, they are quite firm, the taste is watery, and there are no significant defects, the stem is not damaged. Haas (Israel) avocados had light green pulp and a brownish-black peel that separated from the flesh very well, with little evidence of pollination, a nice buttery flavour, and a nice texture. There is a slight peel defect (pollination mark) with an area of less than 4 cm2, which does not affect the fruit's flesh, and the stem is not damaged. The fruit of the Fuerte type (Israel) had a light green pulp and a deep-green peel that did not lag well behind the flesh, a somewhat grassy taste, and a loose flesh texture. The fruit had a defect in the peel (lens) with an area of less than 6 cm2, which does not affect the fruit's flesh, and the stem is not damaged. It has been found that the researched types of avocado fruits from different countries of origin differ in shape, size, and the ratio of peel, pulp, and stone. From the physicochemical parameters, the mass fraction of moisture, the content of dry soluble substances, active acidity, the content of ascorbic acid, and the fatty acid composition of lipids of avocado fruits have been determined.
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