Perspectives for the application of the sous-vide cooking in the development of products for public catering
sous-vide, beef, microbiological quality, microstructure, meat, weight loss, product yield , gingerAbstract
The effect of different sous-vide cooking temperature-time combinations on beef steak's microbiological, physicochemical, and organoleptic parameters were analysed. The organoleptic quality of souse-vide beef steaks was excellent. The sous-vide cooking had a considerable impact on the physical and chemical parameters of the product. The amino acid composition of the sous-vide cooked meat was similar to the original fresh beef. Souse-vide meat cooking does not denature proteins as much as conventional cooking and frying. In some cases, the microbiological parameters exceeded the expected legislation limit. We recommend additional antimicrobial barriers, such as lower pH and antimicrobial extracts from ginger in a concentration of 0.5 – 1.5% of the weight of fresh meat, combined with garlic powder. The final product had an extended shelf life compared to control samples prepared by boiling and frying.
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