Monitoring of risk factors of cardiovascular diseases in adult men
cardiovascular disease, risk factor, nutrition, lipid parameter, dietary habitsAbstract
The study aims to evaluate the monitoring of risk factors of cardiovascular diseases in the young population, which significantly contribute to the origin and development of cardiovascular diseases, such as peripheral artery diseases, atherosclerosis, stroke, and others. We focused on a group of young adult men (n = 110) in the age range of 30 to 50 years, which we selected from the database of 800 patients hospitalized in the Cardio Center in Nitra during 2010 – 2020. When evaluating the influence of meat products consumption frequency on biochemical parameters and BMI, we recorded a statistically significant effect at the level of p <0.05 in the evaluation of meat products such as salami, brawn, and sausages. When consuming sausages, BMI values also increased with increasing frequency of consumption. The effect on BMI was also observed when eating salami, between consuming 1 – 2 times a week and not at all. We recorded a statistically significant effect (p <0.05) in frequent consumption of brawn (1 – 2 weeks) on the level of HDL cholesterol. The most frequent fish consumption was 1 – 2 times a month for freshwater (51.8%) and marine fish (56.3%). Daily consumption of fruit was reported in 64.6% of men, while daily consumption of vegetables was recorded in only 44.6% of men. In the lifestyle assessment, we focused on probands' time spent on physical activity. Only 35.5% of men stated that they spend more than an hour a day on physical activity. 40% of men from the surveyed respondents were active smokers. Another risk factor for cardiovascular diseases is stress, which significantly affected up to 42.7% of respondents. Nutrition and lifestyle play an important role in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, which significantly affect blood lipid parameters, vascular endothelial elasticity, and factors determining the etiopathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases.
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