Development of a two-level control system for the analysis of the composition of meat products
biomarker, LC-MS/MS, PCR, species specificityAbstract
Because of the increased demand for processed meat, there is an urgent need to introduce specific identification methods. Strategies such as molecular genetics and the physical condition of meat are used to quickly explore multi-component products. However, a single methodology does not always unambiguously classify a product as counterfeit. In laboratory practice, as a rule, screening techniques are rarely used in the first stage, followed by arbitration. This work aimed to study individual methodologies using artificially falsified meat samples as examples and to identify their composition based on muscle tissue. For the experiments, the three most common types of raw meat were selected: pork, beef, and chicken. The calculation of the content of muscle tissue was carried out according to the BEFFE method. The study of muscle protein was carried out by ICA, ELISA, PCR, microstructural analysis, and mass spectrometric identification. In this connection, we proposed a multilevel control system for multicomponent meat products. Both classical methodologies, such as calculation by prescription bookmarks (BEFFE) and microstructural analysis, and approaches of highly sensitive methodologies, such as identification of muscle tissue by marker peptides (LC/MS-MRM) and semi-quantitative PCR analysis, were evaluated.
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