Potential probiotic yeast isolated from an Indonesian indigenous fermented fish (Ikan Budu)
probiotic properties, inhibition of pathogenic bacteria, Indonesian fermented fish, poultry infections, Ikan BuduAbstract
Budu is a fermented food resulting from the activities of microorganisms like lactic acid bacteria and yeast. Budu, therefore, serves as a source of probiotics that can have beneficial effects on livestock and humans. Nonetheless, their selection has to be done with caution. The current study purposed to find out whether budu has desirable probiotic properties. This was done by determining its pH, bile acid tolerance, hydrophobicity, and inhibition of pathogens such as Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella enteritidis, and Escherichia coli. An in vitro experiment was conducted using three Saccharomyces cerevisiae (coded as SC 11, SC 12, and SC 21) in the preparation of budu. The whole experiment was repeated four times. The budus were tested for their probiotic properties (low pH, bile salts, hydrophobicity, and inhibition of pathogenic bacteria). The results showed that the three Saccharomyces cerevisiae survived in gastric juice and bile acid, exhibited good hydrophobicity, and could inhibit pathogenic bacteria, both gram-positive and negative pathogens. They were able to survive at pH 2 for 3 h (40.70 to 55.1%), at pH 2 for 5 h (35.25 to 46.88%), in 0.3% bile acid incubated for 3 h (69.69 to 86.56%), in 0.3% bile acid incubated for 5 h (82.22 to 88.18%) and hydrophobicity ability of 97.0 to 98.1%. The inhibition activity against pathogenic bacteria, that is, Escherichia coli was 2.50 to 3.81 mm, Staphylococcus aureus was 1.66 to 3.71 mm, and Salmonella enteritidis was 1.20 to 2.64 mm.
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