The study of the variability of morphobiological indicators of different size and weight groups of hybrid silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys spp.) as a promising direction of development of the fish processing industry
fish, length, mass, reservoirAbstract
In water reservoirs, the size and characteristics of fish, in the first place, affect – the composition and clarity of food objects, the number of food competitors and predators, their numbers, industry, and others. Besides, the rate of linear and weight growth are the arteries that determine the value of the species as an object of commercial fishing. The hybrid of silver and bighead carp easily adapts to different growing conditions (from the point of view of the formation of fish-biological indicators), protein in different years depending on feeding conditions, in one reservoir indicators of length and body weight of ribs are inadequate. Evaluating the influence of feeding conditions on the linear growth of the rib, the method of generalized evaluation was used. An indicator equal to the sum of potential fish productivity for phyto-zooplankton was used to characterize the foraging status of a particular condition in a certain period. In terms of the quality of growth indicators, the indicator of the absolute weight of nature with differentiation of farms, age groups, and years was used. The results of the research revealed significant variability in the size and weight characteristics of different groups of silver and bighead carp, which were isolated from ponds and reservoirs. According to the results of experimental studies established for the cultivation of hybrid silver and bighead carp in reservoirs, relatively high rates of linear and weight growth are expected, higher than for similar species, which is provided in the conditions of fish ponds.
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