Analysis of the possibility of fish and meat raw materials combination in products


  • Nataliia Bozhko Medical Institute, Sumy State University, The Department of Biophysics, Biochemistry, Pharmacology and Biomolecular Engineering, Sanatornaya St., 31, Sumy, Ukraine. Tel.: +38-050-983-94-05
  • Vasyl Tischenko , Sumy National Agricultural University, The Department of technology of milk and meat, G. Kondratieva str., 160, Sumy, Ukraine, Tel.: +38-050-727-67-13
  • Vasyl Pasichnyi National University of Food Technologies, The Department of technology of meat and meat products, Volodumurska str., 68, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601. Tel.: +38-067-661-11-12
  • Yuliiа Matsuk Oles Нonchar Dnipro National University, The Department of Food Technologies, Kozakovastr., 8, Dnipro, Ukraine, 49000. Tel. +38-066-37-297-44



fish, meat, combination, analysis


Aspects for the use of regional raw materials in ground food technology require further study of functional and technological properties to be able to predict them depending on the chemical composition of raw materials and processing methods. The aim of our research was to comparatively study the chemical composition, functional-technological, rheological properties of fish raw materials, and duck meat in terms of their possible compatibility in meat-containing products. The subject of our research was representatives of the regional aquaculture Carassius gibelio and Hypophthalmichthys molitrix, as well as the meat of Muscovy duck (Cairina moschata). It has been established that the nutritional value of freshwater aquaculture objects Carassius gibelio and Hypophthalmichthys molitrix  is virtually identical in protein and fat content, making them interchangeable in terms of nutritional balance when developing the combined product. The ratio of protein and fat to water for duck meat is higher 3.54 – 4.88 times that of aquaculture, which can be used in the selection of components of the formulation of emulsified products, taking into account the nutrient balance. It has been confirmed that the addition of salt enhances water holding capacity, water binding capacity, and fat holding capacity. Water holding and water-binding capacities of minced fish are higher due to higher water levels, which, combined with the low-watering duck meat, can be predicted to create a forcemeat system with high functional-technological properties. The ability to emulsification and retain fat in the state of emulsion in minced duck meat has proved to be better, which when combined with fish minced meat can compensate for the ability to retain fat in the system of combined products. A combination of regional aquaculture with waterfowl meat will not only improve the functional and technological parameters of combined minced systems but also balance them by correcting the composition of proteins and fats.


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How to Cite

Bozhko, N., Tischenko, V., Pasichnyi, V., & Matsuk, Y. (2020). Analysis of the possibility of fish and meat raw materials combination in products. Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, 14, 647–655.

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