Product line of selected agricultural entity in Slovakia and suggestion for its expansion based on analysis of consumers' interest in dairy and meat products
consumers, livestock, company store, dairy production, meat, SlovakiaAbstract
Studies on primary agricultural production in Slovakia aimed mainly at biological, economic, or market point of view and there is a lack of managerial approach providing a specific recommendation for farmers according to their production lines or planning process. As a reaction, we are providing a practically oriented study based on the selected livestock producer, which is aimed at statistical significances as an establishment for further recommendations for management and marketing of this entity. The paper aims to analyze the views and preferences of customers of the monitored company, which sells its meat and dairy products in its stores and verify the expected success of the planned expansion of the product lines. Regarding this, the online questionnaire study was conducted on a sample of 202 respondents. Realized statistical analysis based on the Kruskal-Wallis nonparametric test and subsequent Bonferroni post hoc correction signify that meat products, fresh meat, and slaughter specialties are the most favorite products among customers of the monitored company. Fresh milk, on the other hand, is not as attractive as a meal for them. However, selling it from vending machines placed out of the store would increase the sales. Dairy products of own production should be even more successful, as we assume they would be as interesting for customers as the currently expanding portfolio of meat products. The benefit of this study lies in the consideration of the practical use of the obtained results in the business practice of the monitored company. Regarding this, we are providing
a set of recommendations, according to the planning of their product lines and connected marketing tools for their successful placement on the market.
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