Mathematical modelling and optimization of the granulation process of loose compound feed for broilers
granulation, crumbability, granular feed, mathematical modeling, broilerAbstract
The article presents the results of studying the indicators of the crumbling of granules and the specific energy costs of experimental batches of granulated feed for broilers. The process of granulation of compound feed for broilers was studied using the statistical planning method of a multifactorial experiment using a granulation line, including a granulator press. The dependence of the crumbling of granules and the energy consumed on the selected factors has been established. The moisture content of the feed mixture W (%) and steam pressure P (MPa) were chosen to optimise the granulation process. A matrix plan of the experiment was compiled. With the optimal values of the factors obtained in the study using the experimental planning method, an experimental batch of granulated feed was developed. At the selected levels of factors, the calculated value of the crumbling of granules was 20.11%, which fits into the optimum according to the standard of the crumbling of granulated feed for poultry (no more than 22%). The specific electricity consumption was 9.23 kWh/ton. Experiments have shown that the discrepancies between the experimental and calculated data are insignificant and within these indicators' experimental error determination. Mathematical modelling of the granulation process of loose compound feed for broilers made it possible to solve an important practical problem – to optimize the granulation mode, which ensures the production of good quality granules with minimal energy consumption. The obtained optimal granulation parameters can serve as the basis for producing granulated feed for broilers.
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