Quality changes of sous-vide cooked and blue light sterilized Argentine squid (Illex argentinus)
sous-vide cooking, squid, storage period, blue light sterilization, quality changesAbstract
The present work was carried out to investigate the quality changes and shelf life of blue light (Blu-ray) irradiated sous-vide cooked (SVC) Argentine squid (Illex argentinus) during storage at 0, 5, and 10 °C. Sensory evaluation, color, shear force, lipid oxidation levels, total viable counts (TVC), and psychrophilic bacterial count were used to study the changes in storage quality of SVC squid at different temperatures. Results showed that the high-quality endpoints of Blu-ray irradiated Argentine squid were 360, 144, and 72 h, and the shelf-life endpoints were 504, 240, and 120 h during storage at 0, 5, and 10 ℃, respectively. The redness values of irradiated squid did not differ significantly (p >0.05) during the storage, the brightness and yellowness values of irradiated squid showed an increasing trend, and the sheer force initially increased and then decreased. The thiobarbituric acid reactive substance of each squid stored at low temperature increased with the extension of the storage period, indicating that they exhibited fat oxidation with the extension of the storage period. The TVC and the number of Psychrobacter species increased with the storage period. The correlation analysis suggested that TVC and Psychrobacter count as indicators of quality changes in Argentine squid during low-temperature storage were in good agreement with sensory scores (R2 >0.9). Additionally, our results showed that Blu-ray sterilization played a positive role by inducing photosensitive oxidation and decreasing TVC and the total number of Psychrobacter than the control group during storage of SVC squid after Blu-ray irradiation. This study provides a theoretical basis for applying Blu-ray sterilization in aquatic product processing.
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