The effect of oregano essential oil on chicken meat lipid oxidation and peroxidation
oregano essential oil, chicken thigh with skin, freezing, storage, oxidativeAbstract
The study aimed to investigate and evaluate the oxidative stability of chicken thighs with skin stored in freezing conditions due to the effect of oregano essential oil for various times. The results were compared with a control group without the use of oregano essential oil. Samples of chicken thighs with skin were obtained from an experiment performed on a poultry farm in a deep litter breeding system. The results obtained from the application of oregano essential oil to chicken thighs with skin did not show a statistically significant difference (p >0.05) in the dry matter content, fat content and acid value compared to the control group, where coccidiostats were used in starter and growth feed mixtures. A statistically significant difference was found in the peroxide value by applying oregano essential oil to chicken thighs with skin compared to a control group containing coccidiostats in starter and growth feed mixtures when stored for 1 day at room temperature (p £0.01) and 12 months in freezing conditions at -18 °C (p £0.05) and a statistically non-significant difference (p >0.05) when thighs with skin were stored for 6 and 9 months in -18 °C freezing conditions. In the conclusion, it was stated that maintaining the oxidative stability of chicken meat means knowing the factors that affect it and prepare the conditions for its maintenance. Chicken meat is generally susceptible to oxidative damage because it is characterized by a high concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids. With a sufficient amount of effective antioxidants, chicken meat could be a homoeostatic system, but it remains limited or free of oxidized compounds and reactive components. These questions are the subject of further research in the field of oxidative stability of chicken meat.
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