Veterinary and sanitary assessment and disinfection of refrigerator chambers of meat processing enterprises
refrigerating chambers, microorganisms, disinfectant, concentration, exposureAbstract
The results of microbiological studies of air samples of refrigerating chambers of meat processing enterprises are presented. The quantitative composition of the air microbiota of the chambers of the refrigerating shop was studied. It has been established that the technological regimes for cooling meat in cooled chambers (t = +4 °C) and deep freezing chambers (t = -18 °C and -22 °C) have no bacteriostatic effect on the life activity of mold fungi. The developed disinfecting preparation (hydrogen peroxide (8.0 - 10%), acetic acid (10%), peracetic acid (5.0 - 7.0%), stabilizing additives, water) ensures the destruction of sanitary-indicative microorganisms in cold rooms meat processing plants when applied at a concentration of 0.05% - 60 minutes, 0.1% - 30 minutes, 0.15% - 10 minutes and does not have a toxic effect on meat raw materials that are stored in chambers of the refrigeration shop after disinfection.
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