Biologically active substances of Camellia sinensis in a humid subtropical climate of Russia
fresh sprout, biologically active substances, plant antioxidative system, growing and processing conditions, Camellia sinensis L., RussiaAbstract
We did a comparative analysis of tea and raw tea materials. There is an increase in the content of carotenoids and flavonoids (thearubigins and theaflavins) in June, a decline in July, and August, and consequently a slight increase again in other months. The increase is due to unfavorable conditions – drought during these periods. In raw new variety forms No. 855 and No. 582, as well as in black tea variety form No. 582 (0.09 mg.g-1), we determined the high value of theaflavins (0.10; 0.11 and 0.09 mg.g-1, respectively). The highest content of thearubigins was found in variety forms No. 582 and No. 3823 (1.33 mg.g-1 and 1.17 mg.g-1). Ascorbic acid is significantly disintegrated (on average 96 – 97%) in the production of black tea. In green tea, ascorbic acid disintegrates to a lesser extent, leaving about 13% of its initial amount in the raw material. The dynamics of GPOD activity in a 3-leaf sprout are variety-specific. At the beginning of the growing season (May), the activity of the enzyme was low – in the range of 0.363 to 0.607 g-unit in sec. In June, there is a decrease in activity, which, however, is not significant (p <0.05) and is due to the biological characteristics of the tea culture. In green tea, the ruthine is on average 3 times more than in black tea (on average about 38.09 and 12.12 mg.100g-1, respectively). We have identified 11 amino acids; the highest percentage accounted for proline (from 30 to 70%), valine (17 – 30%), and serine (about 10%). We have identified 11 amino acids in Krasnodar tea, a large proportion of these amino acids has proline, valine, and serine. There was a variation in the content of biologically active substances depending on genotype characteristics. Studies have identified some controversial issues that require explanation and further study.
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