Relationship between the activity of guaiacol peroxidase and the content of photosynthetic pigments in tea leaves


  • Nataliia Platonova Russian Institute of Floriculture and Subtropical Crops, Laboratory of Plants Biochemistry and Physiology, Yana Fabritsiusa st., 2/28, 354002, Sochi, Russia, Tel.: +7(918)3057387
  • Oksana Belous Russian Institute of Floriculture and Subtropical Crops, Laboratory of Plants Biochemistry and Physiology, Yana Fabritsiusa st., 2/28, 354002, Sochi, Russia, Tel.: +7(918)1099115



tea, chlorophyll, carotenoid, guaiacol peroxidase, air temperature, precipitation, correlation, stability


The dynamics of guaiacol peroxidase and photosynthetic pigments in 3-leaf sprouts (flushes) of tea plants were studied. The presence of declines and peaks in the activity of the enzyme associated with the meteorological conditions of each month was noted. It is shown that there is a direct relationship between the increase in enzyme activity and hydrothermal factors. The most significant correlation was found between the activity of GPO in a 3-leaf tea flush and the amount of precipitation (r = 0.86). The highest activity of guaiacol peroxidase during the entire vegetation period is distinguished by the Sochi variety and form 582. The lowest activity was observed in forms 3823 and 2264, which indicates a low intensity of redox reactions in these plants in stressful situations. Determining the dynamics of the pigment complex revealed its dependence on hydrothermal factors. Studies have shown that precipitation is a significant factor affecting the pigment complex of tea plants. It was found that the largest amount of green pigments is synthesized by leaves at the beginning of active vegetation (May). The participation of the pigment apparatus in the adaptation of the tea plant is directly related to carotenoids, the increase in the number of carotenoids coincides with the period of drought. In the content of photosynthetic pigments and the activity of guaiacol peroxidase manifest genotypic features. The revealed patterns are common to all tea plants.


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How to Cite

Platonova, N., & Belous, O. (2020). Relationship between the activity of guaiacol peroxidase and the content of photosynthetic pigments in tea leaves. Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, 14, 1020–1026.

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