Modelling of the process of vybromechanical activation of plant raw material hydrolysis for pectin extraction


  • Igor Palamarchuk National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Faculty of Food Technology and Quality Control of Agricultural Products, Department of Processes and Equipment for Processing of Agricultural Production, Heroev Oborony Str., 12 B, Kyiv, 03040, Ukraine, Tel.: +380677544493
  • Mikhailo Mushtruk National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Faculty of Food Technology and Quality Control of Agricultural Products, Department of Processes and Equipment for Processing of Agricultural Production, Heroev Oborony Str., 12 B, Kyiv, 03040, Ukraine, Tel.: +38098941-26-06
  • Vladislav Sukhenko National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Department of Standardization and Certifying of Agricultural Products, Heroiv Oborony str, 15, 03041, Kyiv, Ukraine, Tel.: +380679912194
  • Vladislav Dudchenko National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Faculty of Food Technology and Quality Control of Agricultural Products, Department of Processes and Equipment for Processing of Agricultural Production, Heroev Oborony Str., 12 B, Kyiv, 03040, Ukraine, Tel.: +380963670733
  • Lidija Korets Lyubeshiv Technical College of Lutsk Technical University, Brestska Str. 7, 44200, Lubeshiv, Ukraine, Tel.: +38957891756
  • Aleksandr Litvinenko National University of Food Technology, Educational and Scientific Institute of Food Technology, Department of biotechnology of fermentation and winemaking products, Volodymyrska Str. 68, 01601 Kyiv, Ukraine, Tel.: +38(067)702-02-68
  • Olena Deviatko National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Mechanical and Technological Faculty, Department of Technical Service and Engineering Management th. M.P. Momotenka, Heroev Oborony Str., 12 B, Kyiv, 03040, Ukraine, Tel.: +38(066)205-43-01
  • Sergii Ulianko Poltava State Agrarian Academy, Technology of production and processing of livestock products Faculty, Department of Feeding and Zohygiene of farm animals, Skovorody Str. 1/3, Poltava, 36003, Ukraine Tel.: +380956485623
  • Natalia Slobodyanyuk National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine Department of Standardization and Certifying of Agricultural Products, Heroiv Oborony str, 15, 03041, Kyiv, Ukraine, Tel.: +380982768508



plant raw material, hydrolysis, pectin, vibration motor, vibrator


Centrifugal and vibrational technological effects are among the main approaches to intensify the process of plant raw materials hydrolysis for pectin extraction. With the impulse intensification of such a process, it is possible not only to increase its efficiency, but also to achieve the compactness of the equipment, reduce the cost of electricity and improve the quality of the product of hydrolysis. The hypothesis is confirmed, according to which the vibro-centrifugal intensification of hydrolysis increases the driving force of the process by not only activating the material flows of raw materials and reagents, but also by reducing the resistance in the technological environment.

Graphical and analytical dependencies of the power and energy parameters of the oscillatory system were obtained, which proved the overcoming of the flow resistance of the liquid medium in the entire speed range of the drive shaft with the potential to intensify the process at a power consumption of 2.0 – 3.0 kW and or by the force of 2.3 – 2.5 kN using the Lagrange and Cauchy methods for composing and solving the equations of motion of the moving components of the tested hydrolyser with vibrating activators, and the methods of mathematical analysis and their processing in the MathCAD. The analysis of the presented parameters of the studied process of mixing the pectin-containing mass in the hydrolyser allowed us to determine the rational mode parameters of processing, which correspond to the angular velocity of the drive shaft  rad/s at the power consumption of 500 – 600 watts.


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How to Cite

Palamarchuk, I. ., Mushtruk, M., Sukhenko, V. ., Dudchenko, V. ., Korets, L., Litvinenko, A., Deviatko, O., Ulianko, S. ., & Slobodyanyuk, N. (2020). Modelling of the process of vybromechanical activation of plant raw material hydrolysis for pectin extraction. Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, 14, 239–246.

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