Global trends in halal food detection
Global Trends, Halal Food Detection, halalAbstract
The growth of the halal food industry has had a positive impact on the global economy. Unfortunately, halal food adulteration is a prevalent issue that has prompted researchers to develop new tools for halal food detection. This study aimed to examine the trends in halal food detection tools. To achieve this, we conducted a global trend analysis of halal food detection tools by reviewing their development, assessing research reference relationships, and identifying future research directions. This study utilised 170 articles published between 2006 and 2024 that focused on halal food detection tools. This study employed both qualitative and quantitative methods using bibliometric analysis. Biblioshiny and Vos Viewer software were used for data analysis. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) has emerged as the most widely used halal food detection tool. Among these institutions, Universiti Putra Malaysia produced the largest number of publications. Malaysia and Indonesia conducted the most research and were frequently cited as references. Rohman was the author with the highest number of citations (277). The goal of this bibliometric analysis was to provide valuable scientific insights that will support future research in the field of halal food detection. Additional studies are strongly recommended to develop more effective tools for halal food detection.
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