Effect of flax and hemp flour on the nutritional value of turkey-duck meat pate
pate, duck meat, flaxseed, hemp flour, canned meatAbstract
This study focused on developing a nutritionally enhanced turkey meat pate, incorporating plant-based ingredients like flaxseed and hemp flour. Two canned pate samples were produced: a control sample with turkey meat, liver, heart, fat, skin, beans, onions, and spices, and an experimental sample where 20% of turkey meat was replaced with duck meat, and beans were substituted with zucchini, flaxseed, and hemp flour. The experimental pate showed significant differences in chemical composition compared to the control. It had lower moisture and fat content but higher protein, ash, and carbohydrate content. The energy value slightly decreased from 153.01 kcal/100g to 146.9 kcal/100g. The sensory evaluation found similarities in appearance, consistency, and colour, with the experimental pate receiving a slightly higher colour rating. The amino acid profile of the experimental pate was significantly altered, with increases in methionine, isoleucine, threonine, glutamic acid, alanine, and cysteine. Vitamin and mineral content also significantly increased, particularly vitamins A, D, E, and B group vitamins, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and iron. Microscopic analysis revealed a more heterogeneous microstructure in the experimental pate due to the plant ingredients. This research demonstrates the potential of developing a healthier turkey meat pate using plant-based ingredients, catering to the growing demand for healthier food options.
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