Chicken combs as a raw material in the manufacturing of chopped semi-finished horse meat products


  • Gulnara Zhumanova Shakarim State University of Samey, Faculty of Engineering and Technological, Department of the food manufacture technology and biotechnology, 20A, Glinka St., 071412, Semey, Kazakhstan, Tel.: 87082603986
  • Laila Bakirova Shakarim State University of Samey, Faculty of Engineering and Technological, Chemistry and chemical technologies Department, 20A, Glinka St., 071412, Semey, Kazakhstan, Tel.: 87058880115
  • Gulmira Baybalinova Shakarim State University of Samey, Faculty of engineering and technological, Biotechnology and Standardization Department, 20A, Glinka St., 071412, Semey, Kazakhstan, Tel.: 87470635149
  • Rysgul Ashakayeva Shakarim State University of Samey, Faculty of Engineering and Technological, Chemistry and chemical technologies Department, 20A, Glinka St., 071412, Semey, Kazakhstan, Tel.: 87759585152
  • Assel Dautova Shakarim State University of Samey, Faculty of engineering and technology, Technology of food and Processing industries Department, 20A, Glinka St., 071412, Semey, Kazakhstan, Tel.: 87074938633
  • Dinara Moldagaliyeva Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University, School of General Medicine, Department of Normal Physiology, 100, Tolebi St., 050000, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Tel.: 87775466446



qualimetry forecasting, food security, government strategy, combined food product, chicken combs, chopped semi-finished horse sausage


Food safety stands at the forefront of social policies across nations. Secondary meat raw materials present a potential source for meat production. Our research objective was to analyze the nutritional value and functional-technological properties of horsemeat and protein additives of animal origin, particularly secondary meat raw materials such as chicken combs. We also sought to empirically determine their optimal quantities for developing chopped semi-finished horsemeat products, which are protein-enriched and have high consumer appeal. We aimed to establish efficient methods for utilizing collagen-rich materials like chicken combs. Additionally, we assessed the feasibility of using slaughter by-products and the potential of minced meat and pastry products as valuable raw material sources. Based on our findings, we deduce that chicken combs, a lower-value secondary raw material, possess notable physical, chemical, and safety properties. These traits underline its high biological worth and environmental benignity, qualifying it as a viable ingredient for protein enrichment and as an additive in minced meat and paste product manufacturing.


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How to Cite

Zhumanova, G., Bakirova, L., Baybalinova, G., Ashakayeva, R., Dautova, A., & Moldagaliyeva, D. (2023). Chicken combs as a raw material in the manufacturing of chopped semi-finished horse meat products. Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, 17, 955–971.

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