Innovative approach to the production of craft bread: A combination of tradition and innovation
rye-wheat bread, sprouted wheat grain, hop starter, pumpkin puree, milk thistle, dietary supplementsAbstract
Today, the need to provide the population with high-quality food products, especially socially vulnerable citizens, requires significant efforts to find raw materials of high nutritional value available for mass consumption and their effective utilisation. This underscores the urgency of identifying reserves of available food nutrients to ensure balanced nutrition for the population of Ukraine, particularly as psycho-emotional stress increases in the conditions of martial law. These studies aim to scientifically justify and develop the latest technologies for bread incorporating sprouted wheat grain, hop sourdough, pumpkin puree, milk thistle, and fermented wort concentrate, which increase nutritional value. This article investigated the physicochemical and technological properties of dietary supplements and plant raw materials, scientifically substantiated the rational concentration and parameters of the technological process for the production of functional bakery products with their use, and studied the organoleptic, physicochemical properties, and nutritional value of the developed bakery products.
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