Innovative thermodynamic modeling for enhanced yeast dough mixing: energy perspectives and applications
components, financing, specific costs, specific identity, thermodynamic model, energy balance, investmentAbstract
A thermodynamic model for the calculation of energy exchange in the chamber of a new mixer with effective use of structural and technological parameters of the mixing process without the necessary introduction of experimental data correlations in the distribution of fluid velocities is proposed, which determines the relevance of this direction of calculation with the perspective of its development. The purpose of the presented work is to determine the specific power by substantiating the effective mode parameters of the preparation of the mixture (dough) as a result of evaluating the thermodynamic energy parameters of the kneading process. The assessment was carried out by developing a methodology for determining specific costs for creating a viscous medium when mixing components, which allows you to establish the required power depending on the design and technological parameters of the new mixer. The considered principle of the proposed open-type thermodynamic system of the description of the working process of mixing made it possible to reveal and determine the ways of converting energy into useful work of interphase heat and mass transfer of a heterogeneous medium. In the conditions of circulation mixing with multiple mechanical effects on the mixture of components in the closed circuit of the cylindrical working chamber, which is an effective way to achieve homogeneity of the environment, it was possible to obtain an analytical determination of the specific work and power of the drive in the absence of a clear description of the model of the interconnection of components. The proposed thermodynamic description of the system's energy balance allows to perform only a few experiments. In general, the practical value of the given calculations is of practical importance for improving productivity and efficiency and minimizing energy consumption for the process while reducing the dynamic loads of the designed mixer.
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