Study of quality and technological parameters for the storage of greens using ionized water
acidic ionized water, alkaline ionized water, reduced density, greens, storageAbstract
During the storage of agricultural products, in order to maximally preserve quality indicators and to prevent spoilage, the creation of a special temperature and climate regime in the cold storage boxes, harmless to health and environmentally friendly preparations are used, which along with a temperature environment, allow for long-term, high-quality storage of products, as well as complex sanitary-hygienic measures, the main one of which is disinfection and deodorization of the cold storage boxes. The article discusses the studies on the treatment of agricultural products by ionized water and their further storage, in particular, for the greens storage, there was selected their treatment by „alkaline ionized water” while „acidic ionized water“ is used for disinfection of the cold storage boxes. The method of obtaining ionized water and the research object were selected, the storage conditions were established, and the quality and technological indicators of the greens were determined. The reduced density of glucose under optimal storage conditions varies from 28 to 19, and the reduced density of water ranges within 445 to 404 after 10 days of storage. The change of technological indicators after 3 and 10 days of storage amounts to: mass losses – 0.70% and 0.85%, water binding capacity - 70% and 61%, and water holding – 65% and 57%.
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