The biochemical changes in legumes during high-temperature micronization
bean, lupine, starch, glucose, high-temperature micronization, infrared heat treatmentAbstract
The article considers the change in chemical and biological characteristics in some legumes grains, under conditions of high-temperature micronization with different moisture contents during heat treatment with infrared rays. The heat treatment of grains was carried out on a laboratory apparatus with a quartz radiant infrared panel. The temperature variation in the heat treatment zone occurred due to changing the distance between the panel and the surface of grains. The grain temperature was determined using a laser thermometer, and with a timer. To determine chemical and biological characteristics, we used a special optical density metering device. We have studied: 1. The dependence of starch content on the temperature in the changing initial moisture content. We found that after 30 seconds of high-temperature micronization of, “Tsanava“ beans at a grain moisture content of 12.7%, the starch content in the grain increases from 39.65% to 40.12%, then gradually decreases, and at 18.3% moisture content, it increases from 38.71% to 41.2%, with a moisture content of 28.6% it increases from 37.36% to 42.42%. Similar processes are also observed for the beans “field red“ and “white lupine“; 2. The dependence of glucose content on the temperature in the changing initial moisture content. As the mass fraction of starch decreases, the percentage of sugar (in terms of the equivalent amount of glucose) at a moisture content of 12.7% at the initial stage increases from 1.36% to 1.46%, and then the percentage of sugar increases relatively quickly to 1.64%, at a moisture content of 18.3% it increases from 1.3% to 1.38%, and then increases to 1.51, with a moisture content of 28.6%, it increases from 1.28% to 1.35% and then increases to 1.54. Similar processes are also observed for the beans “field red“ and “white lupine“.
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