The prolonged effect of GLUTAM 1M biologically active preparation on dairy productivity and milk quality of cows
raw milk, milk productivity, biologically active preparation, lactation, milk yieldAbstract
We have studied the effect of biologically active preparation of metabolic-neurotropic action “Glutam 1M” on milk productivity of cows and quality indicators of raw milk. This preparation was used for dry cows in the last trimester of pregnancy. Studies were performed in the private agricultural enterprise “Savertsi” of Popilnyansky district of Zhytomyr region on cows of Holstein breed. The biologically active preparation “Glutam 1M” has been administered to the cows of the experimental groups under the skin behind the shoulder blade in an amount of 20 ml, starting from 270 and 265 days of gestation, once a day for three consecutive days. Cows of control groups were injected with saline in the same dose. Using the biologically active preparation “Glutam 1M”, a milk yield decreased slightly by 2% (91.9 kg). The milk yield increased by 2.9% (141.5 kg) in the control group. 305-days milk yield in the control group of cows was almost the same as in the previous lactation period. During the experiment, the experimental group of cows – has decreased by 2.9% (136.5 kg). A similar situation has been observed during the biologically active preparation “Glutam 1M” on the 270 – 272th days of pregnancy. Milk yield in the experimental group of animals for the previous lactation and after the use of preparation remained almost at the same level in the control group – decreased by 4.7% (207.1 kg). 305-days milk yield in the control group of cows for the previous and post-lactation experiment period was almost the same. In the experimental group of animals, there was an increase in this indicator by 2.7% (128.7 kg). The use of the “Glutam 1M” preparation did not affect milk quality, namely the mass fraction of fat and protein; fluctuations of the above indicators stayed within the error.
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