Investigation of dependences of the morphological composition of body and amino acid composition of trout meat proteins (Oncorhynchus mykiss) on levels of the energy value of feeds
rainbow, feeding, compound feed, commodity quality, amino acid , Oncorhynchus mykissAbstract
The article studies the effect of using complete compound feeds with different energy levels on the morphological composition of the body and the amino acid composition of trout meat proteins. The experiment aimed to establish the influence of different levels of energy nutrition of commercial rainbow trout on the morphological composition of their body and the amino acid composition of meat proteins. For this purpose, five experimental groups were formed using the analog method. The study lasted 210 days and was divided into two periods: comparative (10 days) and main (200 days). During the comparative period, the study fish consumed compound feed of the control group. During the main period, the energy level in experimental compound feeds for different experimental trout groups ranged from 16 to 20 mJ per 1 kg. It was found that with an increase in the mass of two-year-old trout, the mass of muscle tissue and the yield of edible parts probably increases. Feeding fish with an increased amount of metabolic energy (20 resulted in a significant change in the weight of internal organs, including the heart, liver, and kidneys. Increasing the metabolic energy in the compound feeds of fish from 18 to 19 – 20 leads to a significant increase in bowel mass by 13.3 – 5.0%. An increase in the level of metabolic energy in rainbow trout diets from 18 to 19 – 20 contributed to a likely increase in the methionine content in meat. A similar pattern was observed for the tryptophan content. It was found that the content of most essential amino acids in the protein of rainbow trout meat exceeds the corresponding values in the "ideal" protein, except for the content of isoleucine and leucine, which refers them to limiting amino acids.
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