Aspects of the influence of vegetable-oil-based marinade on organoleptic and physicochemical indicators of the quality of semi-finished natural marinated meat products
natural marinated semi-finished meat products, blends, vegetable oils, organoleptic parameters, physicochemical parametersAbstract
This work evidences the expediency of marinade application based on blends of refined vegetable oils in the technology of natural marinated semi-finished meat products. Formulations of natural marinated semi-finished meat products using blends of refined vegetable oils (rapeseed, olive, and sunflower) enriched with the enzyme bromelain were developed in this work. Such formulations can provide the human body with the necessary amount of protein, released by enzymatic hydrolysis of the connective tissue proteins collagen and elastin catalyzed by the plant-based enzyme bromelain, as well as the necessary ω-3 and ω-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are not synthesized in the human body but sourced from food and are one of the main structural units for many vital processes. The article presents the results of a study of organoleptic and physicochemical parameters of natural marinated semi-finished meat products from beef and pork. It is confirmed that the use of rapeseed oil and rapeseed:sunflower oil blend in a ratio of 70:30 produce the best organoleptic characteristics in both semi-finished beef and semi-finished pork: a tender, juicy texture, a pleasant taste and aroma, and an attractive appearance. It has been proven that the use of marinades based on blends of refined vegetable oils reduces the free moisture content and moisture-retaining capacity of the product, due to the presence of refined vegetable oils in the marinade, which contributes to the binding of moisture. The use of marinades based on refined vegetable oils can increase product yield. Vegetable oil, when used in meat marinade, mitigates the ill effects of acid inclusion. It dissolves well the aromas of added spices, and as it seeps through the structure of the meat, the oil gently envelops it, sealing in moisture and preventing drying out during cooking.
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