The role of gambeir filtrate and red palm oil in the formation of canna starch based-functional edible film
antibacterial, antioxidant, edible film, gambier, canna starchAbstract
This study aims to analyze the role of gambier filtrate and red palm oil in the formation of functional edible film and to determine whether the gambier filtrate and red palm oil are synergistic or antagonistic in the formation of functional edible films. The study design used a factorial randomized block design with two treatment factors and each treatment consisted of three levels, namely: gambier filtrate concentration (A): 20, 30, and 40% (v/v) as well as red palm oil concentration (B): 1.2 and 3% (v/v). The observed parameters were thickness, elongation percentage, water vapor transmission rate, antioxidant activity, and antibacterial activity. Gambier filtrate and red palm oil were capable to improve the antioxidant and antibacterial properties of canna starch-based edible film. Gambier filtrate plays a role in increasing the elongation percentage, thickness, and water vapor transmission rate of edible film.
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