The nutritional characteristics and acceptability of Baobab (Adansonia digitata L) pulp as nutrient concentrate substitute in custard powder
Baobab pulp, nutrient concentrate, micronutrient deficiency, custard, fortificationAbstract
Micronutrient deficiency in the human diet is of serious concern in developing nations. The utilization potential of Baobab pulp (BP) as a micronutrient source in custard formulation was evaluated. Custard powder was formulated from corn-starch, salt, flavor, colorant, and a commercial nutrient concentrate (NC) using a standard recipe, as a control sample. The nutrient concentrate was substituted by 20 – 50% of Baobab pulp in custard formulation. Custard powder was characterized by chemical, physicochemical, pasting, and sensory properties, using standard procedures. Substitution of Baobab pulp for nutrient concentrate in custard formulation resulted in a significant (p ≤0.05) increase in the crude protein (2.23 – 3.67%), fat (1.49 – 2.40%), fiber (2.95 – 4.85%), and ash (2.21 – 3.63%) contents of custard powder. The vitamins A, C, and
Beta-carotene contents of Baobab pulp-fortified custard varied (p ≤0.05) significantly. Substitution of Baobab pulp for nutrient concentrate increased the mineral composition (Calcium (1.16 – 5.75 ppm), Magnesium (1.09 – 1.83 ppm), Potassium (0.81 – 2.68 ppm), and Iron (0.12 – 0.39 ppm)) of custard samples significantly (p ≤0.05). The addition of Baobab pulp in the custard powder formulation enhanced its chemical composition and sensory attributes. The enhancement level increases with an increase in the proportion of baobab pulp.
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