The use of consumer neuroscience in aroma marketing of a service company


  • Jakub Berčí­k Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Faculty of Economics and Management, Department of Marketing and Trade, Trieda A. Hlinku 2, 949 76, Nitra, Slovakia, Tel.: +421 37 641 4145
  • Anna Mravcová Slovak University of Agriculture in NitraSlovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Faculty of Economics and Management, Department of Social Science, Trieda A. Hlinku 2, 949 76, Nitra, Slovakia, Tel.: +421 37 641 4746
  • Jana Gálová Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Faculty of Economics and Management, Center for Research and Educational Projects, Trieda A. Hlinku 2, 949 76, Nitra, Slovakia, Tel.: +421 37 641 4126
  • Martin Mikláš Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Faculty of Economics and Management, Department of Marketing and Trade, Trieda A. Hlinku 2, 949 76, Nitra, Slovakia, Tel.: +421 37 641 4145



consumer neuroscience, aroma marketing, service company, aroma, Sport Caffé


In today's highly competitive era, it is becoming increasingly difficult for businesses to attract and keep customers. Modern marketing strategies focused on examining customer behavior, and possibilities of the business sector in influencing them are becoming increasingly beneficial. Consumer neuroscience has great potential here, as it reveals internal consumer preferences by using innovative techniques. Human senses play an important role in affecting these preferences, and smell has the greatest potential to influence customers subconsciously, and thus support the sale of products, keep customers in the store longer, or build a brand. Aroma marketing is the continuously developing field of consumer neuroscience. The paper aims to examine the use of consumer neuroscience in aroma marketing of a service company. After theoretical analysis, we carried out practical research aimed at examining the impact of aroma marketing in a selected service company – Sport Café in Nitra – to increase the sales of a particular product, and its real impact on the economic indicators of this company through the use of consumer neuroscience tools and questionnaire survey. In aromatization, choosing the right aroma is of the utmost importance, therefore in our research, this selection was done in the Laboratory of Consumer Studies at the Faculty of Economics and Management, SUA in Nitra. The research was carried out through conscious and unconscious testing of selected aromas by a randomly chosen sample of customers. Conscious testing included using a questionnaire method and unconscious testing was done using a face-reading device that provides an objective assessment of emotions based on facial expressions. The choice of aroma was followed by testing in real conditions, by diffusing the aroma in the café. Based on the collected data, we confirmed the positive impact of aromatization on coffee sales. In conclusion, we present some recommendations for service companies, focused mainly on cafés, with emphasis on the importance of aromatization for attracting and keeping customers and improving profitability.


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How to Cite

Berčí­k, J., Mravcová, A., Gálová, J., & Mikláš, M. (2020). The use of consumer neuroscience in aroma marketing of a service company. Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, 14, 1200–1210.